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Happy Father’s Day: Dad’s Tell All

We teamed up with some amazing dads this Father’s Day and asked them three important questions around being a dad on this special day.

Father's Day


Our first Father is Christian Cannon, know on IG as @seacannon. We love his fun personality that he stays true on all his shoots as well as with his family! Here is some insight on his favorite Father’s Day gifts, activities and most importantly advice to all other.

1.) What’s your favorite Father’s Day activity? Was tempted not to say it but it’s the first thing that came into my head, taking a nap! I rarely get naps!

2.)  What was the best gift you got for Father’s Day? I love getting apparel of some kind from my kids (that is filtered through my wife of course haha) because every time I rock it, they get SO stoked and feel so proud!

3.) What advice would you give to future fathers? Make sure to daily give a certain amount of completely undivided attention to your kids! It’s way too easy to be physically present at home but be emotionally/mentally distant!

Father's Day
Father's Day
Shop our Aleks Indigo Hemp Shirt on our Father’s Day Gift Shop


Our second Father is Scott Bakken, know on IG as @scottcbakken. He’s a world traveler just like the true O.N.S customer and we love how he ties in family adventure here and there as well! Here is some insight on his favorite Father’s Day gifts, activities and most importantly advice to all other.

1.) What’s your favorite Father’s Day activity? For Fathers Day, I like keeping it simple with the family. Going for a coffee and sharing our favourite treat and then coming home to have a BBQ in the backyard. For me, Fathers Day is about spending quality time with my kids.

2.)  What was the best gift you got for Father’s Day? My kids love to buy me gifts. However, they are still little so it’s either something really small from crafts made at school or little snacks and treats for me to enjoy. Anything that comes from the heart is so meaningful.

3.) What advice would you give to future fathers? Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Love your children unconditionally and tell them how much they mean to you everyday. They will never get tired of hearing ,”I Love you”. Finally, while it’s all about your kids, make sure you give yourself the time you need to be your best self either through doing the things you love and that which helps you be happy and healthy. You will be a better Father for it.

Father's Day
Father's Day
Shop our Lind Pique Rugby on our Father’s Day Gift Shop


Our last Father is Benjamin Rascoe, know on IG as @dapperprofessional. He’s our newest father highlight and he has elegant style that men can go for inspiration! Here is some insight on his favorite Father’s Day gifts, activities and most importantly advice to all other.

1.) What’s your favorite Father’s Day activity? Spending my first Father’s Day together with our 4-month old son, wife and dog in our new house is what I’m looking forward to most about the day.

2.)  What was the best gift you got for Father’s Day? It’s my first Father’s Day, so I’ll have to keep everyone posted! I’m really excited about my new O.N.S. wardrobe staples though. The blazer, shirt and cardigan are already getting a ton of wear.

3.) What advice would you give to future fathers? Buckle up for the first several weeks! Everyone always jokes about the lack of sleep and now I get why! It’s actually not the lack of total sleep, it’s the lack of uninterrupted sleep that is challenging. My wife and I truly tried to make the most of the time together as a family knowing that one day you’ll look back and wish you could do it all again. Take lots of pictures and videos because it all becomes a blur when they are changing so quickly each week!

Father's Day
Father's Day
Shop our Byron Pique Contrast Cardigan on our Father’s Day Gift Shop

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